cover photo

Kitty's Dilemma: Extreme Emotions.

Story of a quite emotional girl

You may not call Kitty. But you may have this problem if you cannot control your feelings.

This web story uses the template from the "Big Road"

Source of Kitty's Dilemma

The dilemma comes from:

Symptoms of Kitty's Dilemma

  1. Always in bad temper.
  2. Talks to oneself.
  3. Focusless eyes.
  4. Yearns every 5 seconds.
  5. Kitty's web story is available on You are always welcome to visit.
Kitty without Dilemma
Source: online
Kitty with Dilemma She will have a serious headache and want to shoot everyone down.
Source: online

Video Time!

Kitty is really cute she's in a good mood~

Following is an embedded chart from infogram.


Responsive interactive chart

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